Recommended Books for New Lawyers

Essential Books for Aspiring Lawyers

If you are a law student, you would have come across a lot of books during the course of law education. You would have studied to face your exams and also to land your first job. It is quite challenging to enter the real world by leaving the usual job training. As a lawyer, your everyday tasks will be completely different. You will have to get a clear cut idea about the legal proceedings and books are often the most reliable source you can turn to.

Even businesses sometimes do need legal expert advice at some stage or another. Businesses often include many legal procedures like trademark registration, GST filing aid or any other legal documentation works. In such instances, they can also refer to some law-related books for guidance on what to do and how to do. But, books can only provide the needed information. If you need an aid to do the GST registration and filing procedures, a professional GST or trademark registration expert is necessary. There are even expert services which allow you to make the GST registration online without much fuss.But, first, let us read a bit and gain the necessary knowledge to start with.

The Young Lawyer’s Jungle Book- A Survival GuideHere are some books that can offer you the right start!

  • The Young Lawyer’s Jungle Book- A Survival Guide

It is a book that is simple to read and understand. It guides you from the beginning years of the law profession. The book remains as a complete guide explaining some important concepts like workplace etiquette, research as a champion, managing relationships with superiors, moving on from mistakes, creating impressive memos and ways to handle the workload without losing mind. As the author is a lawyer, he shares his own experiences to explain each of the concepts. The book is completely packed with knowledge. It is perfect for students who are passing out and stepping into the law job for the first time. No matter, you have a small or large agency, you should definitely try to read this book.

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  • The New Lawyer’s Handbook

While you are at law school, you would have gained knowledge about research and investigation. The law school would have taught you how to perform an investigation as a lawyer. It is just half of the fight. After completing your education and landing in a job, you need to know how to develop relationships. It is necessary to work with others and manage challenging clients. This is a short, easy to read and funny book. It helps in navigating through challenging areas in the field of law. It is a perfect book to give as aFlourish - Book For Lawyers gift to a recent graduate or fresher. Most of the advice would look like common sense. The book is drafted in a useful manner with a lot of tricks and tips so that you can apply in your day to day life. The short meditations and expert advice would help you to quickly read the pages and read the book again and again.

  • Flourish

No one would wish to meet a hot-headed lawyer. If the job is hard to handle and remains terrible, it can affect your health, mental and personal life. It is a book that guides you throughout the difficult field. It is important to develop several healthy mental habits to remain calm even in high-pressure scenarios. It is something important that would help you to keep going ahead in life. It is a very useful book especially for people who are facing several stressful situations while practicing law.

Post Author: Aliensandalibis Team

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